A quick, poorly editted post

Apr 18, 2011 17:30

My life is boring, but today I'm not allowing that to stop me from posting! I'm feeling this strong confirmation of the idea from this article on Yahoo Shine. #3 on the Summary list at the bottom states "Take time to write it down. Journaling will bring clarity to your life." So, I am typing it down. This reminds me that I did not just sit around eating chocolate and watching TV all day. (Although, I did make some time for that.) In case you're interested, I've got a few back-dated entries on the 8th and the 11th that I was only able to enter today.

I tried to go to the mechanics' today to get the oil changed, but we got out of the house an hour later than I was hoping, and it was a Monday, so they were too busy to take me quickly. Taking a shuttle with three car seats is too much hassle for me, so we'll need to go back.

Then we went to Costco, but the photo specialists told me they couldn't make reprints of my old APS film with the dates on the back, and I knew that a different Costco had done it just two weeks ago, so we all piled into the car to go to the other Costco. When we got there, they said they wouldn't have the reprints done until tomorrow which means I have to go back. :(

When I was all checked out with my groceries, I realized that I had forgotten to give them my coupons. I was feeling really foolish, especially because I had bought some things that I wouldn't have, except that I had a coupon for them. So I stood in line at Member Services to ask them to take my coupons anyway, when I looked at my receipt and saw that my checker had given me all the discounts!

I hope that nice man has an AWESOME week.

On the way home, I realized that I had forgotten the items I need to return to Costco again, so having to go back for the pictures isn't such a bad thing after all.

The nap war seems to be going well. Sunshine has been sleeping longer stretches, especially since I realized sometime last week that she is teething in a bad way. Tylenol every night before bed seems to be really helping, so I am watching for continued signs of pain. Saturday was my first time putting her down for a nap without being in the room when she feel asleep. I would be more excited, but she came with us Friday to Dan Wells's signing and was up until 10, and I think the "progress" was due to severe lack of sleep.

I had a great time at Mysterious Galaxy on Friday. It's a great bookstore, and it was great to see Dan's reading and Q&A. Afterward a few of us went out for Japanese with Dan. Ichi's Japanese Restaurant has great food.

journal, sunshine

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