Veris Sky: so, i see you heard about steve irwin
Veris Sky: boo. fucking. hoo.
Lil Missy: lol
Lil Missy: why are you such an ass
Veris Sky: hey, its a fuckin occupational hazard...if he was so worried about leaving his wife and kids behind he wouldn't be doing the shit he did, now would he?
i know, i'm a cynical asshole, but if i get killed over here i don't want people to act all shocked and amazed and act like it came out of the fuckin do a dangerous job, you know what can happen...
Lil Missy: yes but that doesnt take away from the fact that it is a tragedy
Veris Sky: no its not!!
Lil Missy: it is sad and now his family is facing big problems
Veris Sky: a tragedy is something unexpected and weird!!
Veris Sky: this is nothing of the sort
Veris Sky: the guy risked his life EVERY DAY for NO REASON other than the thrill
Veris Sky: he got killed?...tough shit
Veris Sky: its not like he was shot "in the line of duty" or something
Veris Sky: he did that shit fully voluntarily
Veris Sky: he could stop at any time...instead, he kept pushing his luck until it ran out
Lil Missy: yes it is he didnt go out that day and say "o i think I'll get stabbed through the heart by a sting ray and die and leave my family to fend for themselves and my children grow up without me and grow to resent me" he didnt do that he wanted to show the world the beauty of the animal kingdom and educate people he was a good person it is sad
Lil Missy: u are so cynical
Veris Sky: you're damned right i am
Lil Missy: what the fuck crawled up your ass that you cant get out?
Veris Sky: i hate it when people wring their hands over stupid shit....i feel sorry for his family, it sucks....but its not like its a fuckin shocker that he finally got killed by a WILD ANIMAL
Lil Missy: lol
Lil Missy: yea
Lil Missy: its not but it is sad
Lil Missy: thats all im saying
Veris Sky: no, you said it was a tragedy
Veris Sky: there's a diference
Veris Sky: yes, its sad....but it wasn't unexpected or strange
Veris Sky: he pushed his luck once too many
Veris Sky: it happens
here's the thing people...tragedies make me go "Oh my Lord, how did THAT happen?"...kinda like "Baby gets sucked into airplane engine, spit out like Salad Shooter" guy made a living off fucking with wild animals...he fucked with wild animals for a living...fucking with wild animals is how he lived...
lo and behold, he got killed fucking with a wild animal...where's the shock?...did the Earth move?...i heard it, and went "wow, that sucks, saw it comin' though"...i definitely did not say "ZOMG WAT ABOUT HSI FAMILY OHNO *wrings hands* WAT A TREGERY!!"...
its a lot like this, guys:
see? all makes sense now, doesn't it?...
RIP Steve shut the fuck up about it :P