Sep 17, 2006 22:01
I am so tired right now but I feel compelled to type about my weekend and the rest of what will hopefully be a great week. It is not even late, but I got home at 5 in the morning and crawled my tired ass into bed at 6.. then I woke up today and went to the gym with my friend Sara. I burned off 700 calories in an hour and a half. Then I came home and ate with mom, Duane, Derek, his kids, and Crystal. I have 2 test this week and I know that I will probably fail both. I am not very optimistic. I think if I don't plan to do well I will do better than planning and failing...
Anyway this weekend was fun. I had just got my hair done yesterday and I wanted to go out to show it off. I went to Hollister and bought som clothes to wear out and I was not going to take "no" for an answer on going out. I told Sara that she needed to go for me. I called Tammy and we went to pick her up and then headed for P.R.'s...
It was so much fun. I had a blast! I danced with three terrible dancers and some guy that was old and fat, but a good dancer.. LOL what a coincidence. Anyway Eddie and his friend Brendon (Sara's unofficial ex) where there. Brendon pissed me off cause I asked him what was wrong and he looked at me and said "what the fuck do you think is wrong!"he then turned and looked at Sara. He told me he was sorry for yellin and that he was not mad at me.. He said "I will smile for you" he smiled a fake smile and walked away. I was not angry that he was mad but that he had no justification for speaking to me like he did. Oh well. I was so drunk that I even kissed Eddie. I am such an idiot. I didn't think about it at the time, but he told me he really liked me before and since I don't like him I didn't think it was a big deal. I got home late and that is why I am tired.
I just hope this next week goes by fast and easy...