A disturbing dream

Jul 13, 2008 07:53

I had something of an odd dream last night that I found somewhat disturbing...

I was in a group of people and at first we were either looking for something odd in the area or we were investigating it for some reason.

When we found the place off the oddness we then found ourselves in an alternate dimension that was similar but more of a third world version of the same area.

we started looking for the oddity/disturbance again and while I was off looking for it myself, I found something else in a place near to where the 'portal' had been in the normal world.

It seemed both enervating and restful, I went down to my knees, crossed my arms and placed my hands on my shoulders without noticing it and rested my forehead on the ground.

I was sitting there like that for a short while thinking only of how restful it was when Lucas came up, followed by Timmy (my nephews). They may have asked what I was doing, and I stood up to guide them back to everyone else.

I saw a strange light coming through a window in the back of a house when I walked past the open door. I went in and looked through the blinds to see that there was a glowing purple square (a visible portal) blinking open and closed every few moments (probably not more than a foot on a side when open).

When I got back to the group I told Skye (
skye_ds) that I had found the portal and she mentioned that there was a place near by where Death had waited. I pointed out that I had found that place too and that I had kneeled down there and that I could show it to them.
An old lady (from this alternate realm who was apparently advising Skye) exclaimed in surprise that I had 'gotten up from Bula's spot'. After I recounted how I had kneeled then stood up from that location Skye said it was probably a bad idea to go there. A few moments later we were joining hands and Skye said we should start by calling Callalabus. After a few tines calling out his name, I looked around and noticed he was already in the circle (which was still forming), and roughly the time that the last people joined hands in the circle I woke up.

The part I found most disturbing was that I might submit so readily and willingly to oblivion and death, Just because I was curious about what was going on...
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