So I watched EoT1 and then the Confidential a few hours ago and after I spent some time reading other reactions on my flist (not that I didn't do it before watching but now at least I could reply in kind) I think I might as well write down some thoughts here.
It will be fine, The old lady is so Rose Smith, Ala 10's wife, Time Lords = walls of the universe open, Jack will save the universe - fixed point in time, Time Lords can't beat him. 10.2 and Donna will become 11 and 10/Rose will live happily ever after
LOL, hope not, that would be way to cracky even for RTD xD Also, DO NOT WANT FOR ROSE TO GROW OLD.
Jack will save the universe - fixed point in time
heh, there's an idea, *poor*Jack gets neglected this time round xD
10.2 and Donna will become 11 and 10/Rose will live happily ever after
This, at least, could happen in our heads if not in canon ^_^
Even Time Lords grow old ;) ..
Nah, Bad Wolf/Rose made Jack for a reason. He can't die then there would be no Torchwood.
At least they don't look old XD
Nah, Bad Wolf/Rose made Jack for a reason. He can't die then there would be no Torchwood.
heh, well, he initially was some a side effect of saving the Doctor but he might actually be useful XD
Have you looked at the Doctors first incarnation lol
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