in time of the biggest v-gifts flooding of the 2009

Dec 09, 2009 23:52

1. Just a quick update since I have nothing to do because LJ won't give me comments-replies on time and all that *argh* Anyway, moving on, thanks SO MUCH to fiery_twilight , phantomviola , momentmusical , lilachaze , marcasite , wishiknewwho , 16s16 , nani1986 , dashafeather , jennyshepard , hazelwho , nylana for all of those wonderful v-gifts, it's like the only good thing this week because LJ hasn't worked properly since Sunday *hugs flist ( Read more... )

canada is russia's lost twin, birthday wishes, real life, random, tv-shows, quick question, my flist is amazing, lj is such a fail, thank you

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goldy_dollar December 10 2009, 16:59:49 UTC
Unusual it is because it's like no one knows a jack about Canada here, except for the belief that,like, twenty percent(or more) of the population are immigrated Ucranians XD

LOL - THERE IS PROBABLY SOME TRUTH TO THAT. I know my mum's side of the family was Jewish Ukrainian. And I'm pretty sure the Ukrainians are single-handedly responsible for settling most of the prairies, which well... WHO ELSE WOULD BE BRAVE ENOUGH TO MOVE TO SASKATCHEWAN, I ASK YOU.

So, nothing like eating a grape with each strike of the clock or something? ;)

Alas, no. Though eating grapes with each strike of the clock sounds really nifty.

My favourite tradition is probably the Christmas crackers where two people pull on each end. It makes a nice popping noise, and then you get a paper hat and a plastic toy that probably could cause choking in those under three.

But, really, I think the interesting thing about Canada is the *lack* of a country-wide tradition. We don't like imposing cultures on other people. There's actually been a lot of flailing in the local paper recently from religious groups being all angry about TAKING CHRIST OUT OF CHRISTMAS. I dunno, I guess they see people wishing them "happy holidays" in stores a personal slight against Jesus or something. Personally, as someone who has always celebrated both Christmas and Channukah, I'm very happy with a neutral way of saying "merry Christmas." GET OVER IT GUYS. I promise that Jesus doesn't care what sort of holiday wishes people greet you with.

I don't think you are boring, I know what it's like to live in a country that is not religious or traditional or overly enthusiastic about itself XD Plus, Canada really sounds homey to me, thus my tag XD

XD AWWWW! Well, we do have mutual snow cred. :D What about Christmas in Russia? Do you have any cool traditions?


teruel_a_witch December 10 2009, 17:48:10 UTC
I know my mum's side of the family was Jewish Ukrainian.
Heh, I think everyone has either Jewish or Ukranian or both in blend in relatives, I sure do too xD Well, I'm almost half Ukranian myself and also just a bit Finnish, but I consider myself Russian XD


MWAH, I'll trust your opinion, it's not like I know something about Saskatchewan beside the name xD

Though eating grapes with each strike of the clock sounds really nifty.
Yup, I like this Spanish tradition :)

My favourite tradition is probably the Christmas crackers where two people pull on each end.
lol, it says there that we have them,too, only it's not exactly the same thing, for one, people pull only from one end here and there's a burst of confetti from the other end and a little surprise inside sometimes, but mostly it's just confetti that you have to scrap from the carpets for bloody forever xD Also, I once accidentally burnt my GrandPa's trousers with that thing, it looked like a burnt from cigarette XD

plastic toy that probably could cause choking in those under three.

Mwah, yes, this warning stays the same XD

Bwah, it's actually what I like about western Christmas, being an atheist and all.

Well, we do have mutual snow cred.
and bears, and climate, you guys even use kilometres and centigrade, everyone should use them, they are COMFY and easily proportional, why the hell Farenheit did that weird system? and I still don't know how tall I am in feet, I prefer metres and centimetres XD

What about Christmas in Russia? Do you have any cool traditions?
Well, for one, we don't really celebrate Christmas xD But don't worry, that's not as bad as it sounds, New Year is a big state holiday here and we give presents for it, and Christmas is on the 7th of January (Russian Orthodox,remember?;)) and it's only a holiday for religious people, you know when in the beginning of the 20th century we all changed calendar and everything moved 14 days ahead, that's why Christmas jumped from the 25th to the 7th. Because of that, the 13th of January is called New Year Old Style ("Old New Year" in Russian) and can be celebrated again xD
Russian Father Christmas is called "GrandPa Frost" and he doesn't climb into chimneys, and he comes in write/silver furry long coat XD We decorate "Christmas tree", only it's a "New Year's tree" for us, and if we pit presents under it it's more like copying of western Christmas, I guess. On the table champagne and satsumas are a must, and also the salad I believe is known as "Russian" salad though it's actually called Olivier in the name of a French cook XD Everything else is optional, I guess as Russian traditions are pretty much dead after the reign of USSR xD And we exchange presents after the clock has struck 12 and the New Yeas has begun :)
Oops, sorry for tha rant XD


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