In case anyone doesn't know yet...
has started on the fanfiction bidding! So, if anyone would like to bid on the fanfics at the area, just click on the community link here:
Here is my
THREAD, just in case anyone wants to bid for my work. ^^; I will do my best to serve the prompt that you give to me. Starting Bid is $5 per 1000 words.
THREAD for the
So far, I haven't seen a lot of good news in Australia as well regarding the situation, and though I haven't finished my other threads in the places elsewhere...I want to be of as much help as I can.
In the meantime, I will be going to help_haiti (seriously, there needs more help here), and others.
And, if I have the time...this one as well:
HERE is another link to a thread I made. Just in case the other threads end up empty. ^^; Since I want word to get around so the result gets done, at least. ^^;