Title: Under the Endless Sky
Chapter Title: Planning for the Future
Author: Primal Red
Character(s)/Pairing: Sawada Tsunayoshi. Miura Haru. Dino Cavallone. Reborn. A little Gokudera and Yamamoto. Eventual TsuHaru, 1896.
Genre: Action/Adventure/Romance
Rating: PG-13 for combat violence and blood, including broken bones and second-degree burns (might become R later because of combat violence and blood and gore and psychological themes)
Warnings: For slight mention of past broken bones and burns. And Gokudera’s mouth.
Summary: It never occurred to him that he was actually going to have to kill sooner or later…[from Ch. 256 in the manga, eventual TsuHaru, 1896]
READ HERE. The first chapter is