
Jun 02, 2009 23:27

nyaaaaa ^o^

their new outfit is cool again *_____*

~wanna bigger normal pics ^0^~

and Hakkun is again ~as usual xP~ cool - cool - cool )))))^^

and....together with "eriza" i'm for the 2nd day also mad with "gothicaroid".......
i can listen to these songs only for hours xP 
that'd be ok.......
that makes me remember that........
such Vidoll i love must of all.................
and that means that now i can't bear esoteric romance at all.........for some time....only ......i hope.......><

~and gomen, Shun-sama, but such jokes are stupid xPhttp://ameblo.jp/vidoll-shun/entry-10272858993.html~

irokui, vidoll

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