Nov 18, 2012 03:21
Google's dictionary defines "fair" as:
* (adj) "In accordance with the rules or standards; legitimate."
* (adv) "Without cheating or trying to achieve unjust advantage"
"Fairness" is defined:
* "conformity with rules or standards"
I don't think it's fair that my father can sit up in NoVA or lay in the same bed as his lover, the woman he supposedly loves. I don' t think it's fair that my brother moved across the country to Washington state to live with his girlfriend, the girl he supposedly loves. I don't think it's fair that my mother has all but in-name moved out of this house and in with her boyfriend, who she refuses to admit she loves.
...and my fiancee, my girlfriend, the only person to sit by me in all of my troubles, trials, and hardships the past two years, is across the country and both of us sleep alone. Without the other's comforting form next to us, without their caress, without soft words and gentle touches.
I'm the one punished. They reap the rewards, but I take the punishment and the lumps.
I am alone. And it isn't fair.