Springtime Kaiju Haiku

Apr 30, 2009 22:23

So, ages ago now I was explaining to theskywasblue  that I have a thing for writing bad haiku. Specifically what I call Kaiju Haiku, kaiju being Japanese for "strange beast," of the type huge and rubbery and made famous by Toho Pictures.   Poems like this one, which is my own personal favorite:

Tokyo underfoot
Godzilla's backscales brighten.
Toy tanks no defense.

*bows* thank you, thank you. Brilliant, I know...
Anyway- somehow, somewhere in that conversation there was the idea set forth that I should try writing a seasonal haiku-kaiju haiku hybrid, using the traditional springtime flower-viewing opening line of  "Cherry blossoms fall" and merge it with some thing that likes to destroy huge metropolitan areas on a whim. I felt the calling, and it percolated away in my noggin for awhile (frightening prospect, I admit) and here they are; a selection of brand-spankin' new Springtime Kaiju Haiku. Thanks to theskywasblue  for putting the idea in my head in the first place!

Anyone else who wants to post a Kaiju Haiku here as a response, I heartily encourage you to do so. Hell, I'd even enjoy kaiju couplets, kaiju limericks or even the odd Elizabethan Kaiju sonnet (looks pointedly at macavitykitsune  for that last one).
A new genre of poetry is born!

Cherry blossoms fall,
scattering in the vortex
behind Mothra's wings.

Cherry blossoms fall,
the tree flattened beneath the
foot of Godzilla.

Cherry blossoms fall
unnoticed; Rodan has passed
the Sound Barrier.

haiku, kaiju

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