Aug 20, 2009 14:22
So I started as a manager this week which is pretty cool. It's nice to move ahead sometimes and also get a real paycheck finally. Monday we spent $545.06 to get Mike's car fixed cause now that he's working again and my work schedule being as hectic as it is, it's super convenient to have two cars. So we borrowed $300 from dad and got the brakes and battery done so it'd be in good shape again. Yesterday Mike noticed that the transmission wasn't really working right so he had Chree look at it. There's a hose that's leaking or something so the fluid isn't getting to the transmission. This is of course the transmission and lines and everything that we just spent $1200 replacing, like a year and a half ago. So whatever was wrong with it the transmission is completely screwed up and we can't even take it back to the place we had it done at and try to get them to give us a deal or something cause they closed down for not paying their taxes or something.
So I told Mike to take the Kia today and I'd take his car cause he had farther to drive and all and I didn't want him getting stuck in Philly, and I didn't think the car was that bad. So I got to work ok but when I had to go to the bank it was barely switching gears and almost stalled out and was just horrible. I figured it'd be good if I got it home but after 2 minutes I gave up and left it in a parking lot. Maybe if we put some fluid in it, it'll make it home but I didn't feel like risking it. But basically, Monday we spent $545 to get it fixed, and it lasted till Thursday. The check hasn't even cleared that bank yet and already it's dead again. It's just one thing after another after another. We keep waiting for a break and it's just not coming.
But I'm trying to stay positive. At least we have each other and a place to live and one car that works. And I did just get promoted so hopefully things will be ok....