Last year, I had this brainwave for a deco for my room: faux stained glass windows made from shadow box frames with stained glass decals backed by led lights. I'd seen some on Etsy that I really loved and I thought it would be pretty for a wall I don't have much art on.
Fast forward to this week, where I've been poking at it more seriously, and I've run into a bit of a snag. I'll save y'all the journey to get to this point, but here are the options I'm looking at:
1. Buy made-to-size decals from
DecorativeFilm.comPROS: They'll exactly fit the shadow box/frame I want to use (9"x9"
Ribba frames)
CONS: They're a lot more expensive than I was expecting ($31-34 per decal, not including the $10 price of the frames) and I'm not totally in love with the available patterns.
2. Buy 'rose window' decals from
OShardsofColorO on Etsy.
PROS: They're inexpensive (only $10 per) and I love the look of them
CONS: They only measure 8"x8" (meaning I'll have to make up an inch somewhere) and I don't know if I love two enough to put in my room (and my mind is set on two)
(Alternatively, I might be able to get away with using a 7 3/4"x9 3/4" frame and one of the half-size ones for $20, but there's still the problem of not wanting to do two of them, especially at that size)
3. Find Creative Commons-okay images of stained glass I like and print them out on transparency film
PROS: Likely cheaper, a lot of printing businesses (like Kinko's) will do transparency printing, and I could make sure I love the images
CONS: I might not be able to find images I love appropriate for it
4. Paint my own
PROS: Satisfies my DIY crafty itch
CONS: Start-up cost would be prohibitive, as the paint I found that isn't cheap shit is pricey (pricey enough to make #1 feasible if we're comparison shopping) and I'd be limited to some extent on my subject matter since I'm not a great line artist
To be honest, I'm waffling between #2 and #4. Painting my own is appealing because I'd love to learn how to do it, but then I'd be left with all these supplies leftover and what do I do with them? (Unless I was to try to continue making stuff and selling it on Etsy, but I'm not a good enough original artist to do that). I reaaaaaaaally want to do #2 (the
Star Wars one, OMG), but I'd have edging to compensate for...which I could do with the paint, and I wouldn't necessarily need as many colors so it wouldn't be as expensive.
So, tell me, what would you do?