So I got my job offer from the Coast Guard today. I've known for a while now that I got the job but to have the actual written paperwork saying so in my hands feels so good. So here's the deal. I start work at the Coast Guard Base by the Victoria airport on Thursday July 15 at 1300 hours (I need to get used to working on a 24 hour clock lol). I do at least eight 12 hour shifts in Victoria spread out over probablly 16 days or so. The Coast Guard then pays to fly me to Sydney Nova Scotia where I do Phase II training at the
Coast Guard College from July 10 to December 14 after which I will get posted to one of Victoria, Vancouver, Comox, Ucluelet or Prince Rupert. I really hope I can get Victoria so I can be back here where all my friends are but as long as I don't get Prince Rupert I will be back here hanging out with everyone no matter where I end up. I also found out I get up to $2500 to pay for moving once I finish at the College which is quite nice and that I get a private one bedroom apartment at the College. I'm very excited about this opportunity, I'm sure I'll be homesick and I'll miss everyone here like crazy but I finally feel like I'm moving forward with my life and that's so exciting.
On another matter I spent all day today helping move the Chantry. I don't think I've worked this hard since I spent a week and a half moving rocks in Port Hardy with Rob and every muscle in my upper body is acheing at me right now. But we got it all done, had lots of pop, hotdogs, pizza and hamburgers and overall crazy as it sounds I had fun. I personally find doing hard work like that with friends is a great friendship building experience, we'll be able to talk for months about our battles with memnoc ;) (sorry about the spelling)
Tomorrow I'm working 8:30-12:45 and then helping Lauren move some stuff and then going to a UVSS meeting so the UVic BCYL can get some money. The rest of the week is up in the air right now but I want to see as much of everyone as I can before I leave.
That's all for now :)