May 06, 2007 21:53
Just one of those random late-night thoughts.
How do we know that Jack's current problem is the result of what happened on the GameStation?
It's not like he had the opportunity to test it before the GameStation. As far as we know, that was the first time he should have died, and didn't.
What if it was something tied in to his two missing years?
(I don't really think it's anything else, because we see that his resurrection in POTW seems to be a result of Bad Wolf, not anything he does on his own. But it strikes me as somewhat sloppy to say that he wasn't immortal before when clearly that was never tested. It would just be a different approach to the whole issue.)
(And if you really want to spin your head in circles, then you have Bad Wolf make him retroactively immortal, just like scattering the words through time and space, so that all the times Jack should have died [like on his Chula warship with the bomb] somehow he survives, never noticing that his escapes are a lot narrower than they should be.)
Speaking of those two missing years, TW hasn't even alluded to them. I wonder if we'll ever find out anything about that, or if it was just a couple of throwaway lines in "TEC/TDD" to build sympathy for the character?
doctor who