(no subject)

Oct 10, 2008 04:03

its already 4 in the morning and facebook is the only thing i turn to. its liv ejourjlan. same shit cunts., its pissin me off you know these fuckin bouncers. makin shit really tensiony. getttin peopl elikem e areested. i dont care i listen to any shit fuck thme theyere th´anti christ. iahi am aa soldier of jess an mesany maddiy maddi mandiy mamddi maddim maaddiy maddim maddiy hell mahehelel hhelle he jess esllselrry shejejseljy jess jeslelrjes smamdi ahell maddi haell heaaall healll madddi hell jess jesesllserer untimnl the end bitches the end and we only post hsit on thist til we die. til we die and die mothe ukcingsein cunts/ in othe rrtbneys it will on ly manke sense when you drink bacadrdi. now back to the story kent. itsl lieka soryty storey play tha takes place before your eyes. one before the other]. you acan see the mood moon its in the eyes. doesntmatter where you are pickering or dubair bombai or guanataamoao bay boiee aogaobobaboa burn it charisssssssssss wag wag wahg we all butn the fuckni ppaylce down . but it down til the ashes. ashes of it all . my neighborhood. meet me in th emidlde . its like sometihng outra a tom dunbar novel. steve is all over it alike paper script oracle shit mtatris matrix matrix the double matrix six. sdont ever try to defy destiny. its over when the clock strikes. until then its up in the air. i saw all of you at the weezer show. it was the show of them all. the concert of concerts. i spawned satan and said devil if be you true then we die now all of us. it happensed vut not everything. the little babies. they figh t on . littbe bebes lets go. little babies LETS GO. womeon anc chirsldes. lests go . sleep alisn sleep time. take what you get and d o yout best ot appreciate it. cuz it ont last forwever
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