Apr 28, 2008 20:14
watch weezer be touring in august as well as radiohead. its just our luck. i hope jess is having an amazing time out there. im really jealous. this job is fucking tough and pointless. once i spend the money i earn i will have experienced nothing new and have nothing but more stuff. moving back from windsor made me hate my stuff. its just stuff stuffy stuff futff fluff muff cuff and its all in boxes sitting over there. i only packed what i thought i needed to survive yet i havent opened a single box except to get my house keys. i think the only thing i need is a phone and a change of clothes. no i need money to buy food. i dont want to live off berries and bug puss. but if it tasted like chinese food i would. this job is consuming my lively hood. im probably going to quit it soon in hopes that this office job will work out and in turn give me a few extra hours of free time a day. i would pay enormous amounts of cash for endless free time and food. maybe i can trade some stuff for that... any takers? ill trade all my bongs, 2 of my guitars, my bed and all the boxes over there for endless free time. is this something you can provide? fuck all this writing