Keys to the hovercar

Apr 19, 2008 20:48

“The public must be put in its place, so that it may exercise its own powers, but no less and perhaps even more, so that each of us may live free of the trampling and roar of a bewildered herd. Only the insider can make decisions, not because he is inherently a better man but because he is so placed that he can understand and act. The outsider is necessarily ignorant, usually irrelevant, and often meddlesome.”
--Walter Lippmann

Im about to start my take-home essay for 'public opinion' and i thought what better way to start off than not starting just yet? I am to write a letter to mister walter lippman - super ass. He says the mass public will never comprehend the reality of politics and that we are to remain the sheep of elite insiders. The relevance of this notion is clear to me: for the benefit of the average canadian / north american we need uber democracy and super improved methods of delivering information to the public, and god willing the balls to take action. This is indeed important, but not really to me. I find myself not giving a fuck what happens to humanity in the long run. Self centered, yes, but why not? Life is so god dammed short, why spend it fighting for someone else's future? This place is already so fucked up that by the time its fixed the nuclear war will have happened and it'll all be gone anyways. I'd rather spend my life enjoying the rest of the world, where there are no politics and massive media pushing hidden agendas through PR campaigns and astroturf grassroots movements that 'protect' the environment by 'controlling growth' aka cutting it down. I used to get excited about learning this stuff. I wanted to rebel, join the team and smash some corporate execs, take down wally-mart. I still wanna burn down walmart and kill all the CEOs. I do but I'd rather be happy and ignore that shit, leave them be and while I'm at it leave the 'bewildered herd' behind as well. So i consider myself not uninformed but uninvolved. I watch the corps do their thing and dodge them while i can, and in the mean time look for a place where this system can never find me. I'd like to think it exists in Canada but I'm very doubtful. I wish jess were staying for the summer because she gets me amped up about a lot of stuff. Its like rock and roll, and my sister is good at doing that too, but being siblings we have to disagree on a lot of things in order to maintain stability. Does that make sense? I can only idolize her so much. Well I've written all too much, its time to make some fish n chips.
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