[Mr. Ice] I wanted to say something else in the last line...

Sep 30, 2009 08:25

> Perhaps the language does confound thee and you, unused as you seem to be,
> need to a moment take and inquire privately.

I understand Alder that you were writing in rhyme.
It is something to do when you have the time.
I'm from the old school, and your school is older
Still our unlives keep us all much colder
Privacy of the question is not what I seek
A more rounded opinion is something I'd keep.

> My words were clever crafted true, but it seems twixt the writing and the
> reading they were muddled through and through. What might I have written
> that has you so confused? You did conspire to respond to words that were not
> there. Then you offer some response to said aforementioned lack of clarity
> that would seem to muddle more. ... or is it that you seek to lesson me?

Confused I am not by your reaction.
Yet the answer I seek will give me satisfaction.
Lady Foster, Lord Karpov, Lord Cole, Mr. Run
Helped me with the hard answers
When I sat and had none.

> Perhaps a careful crafted query might make such a mind less weary? Perhaps
> some words as seen below might make the answers flow?

My language is plain, as the upcoming dawn
If you are confused with how I speak, update your lexicon.
If your mind is weary, might I suggest
You've been up along time, maybe it's time for a rest?
Others have understood, they are up with the times.
If you need me to rap, I can tell you with rhymes.
But I have to ask, so don't have a fit.
Plain English, Alder Prince, do you speak it?

Mr. Ice
Player of Mattapan
Solider of a Fallen Liege
Acknowledged by the Portsmouth Imperium
Acknowledged by the Invictus
Acknowledged by the Daeva
Guild of Muses
Always Unconquered
"He can take the game with him cause he defines the word."

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