Created by Jack Kirby with his Challengers of the Unknown when they appeared in Showcase # 6 late in 1956 this template would become a staple at DC after Jack took it to Marvel, added superpowers and turned it into the Fantastic Four.
After Kirby left the idea was altered from the CotU original to became this:
1. A team of 4 people consisting of the hansom, smart leader, his girl friend, and two other guys who were either the big strong guy, the goof or the kid sidekick.
2. No superpowers or any impressive gadgets other than…
3. The one gimmick that lets them do their thing, i.e. mole-machine, scuba gear and subs, time machine, machine guns and a government license to get in trouble.
4. More normal (for the comics anyway) clothing.
5. The inability to do anything more complicated than opening a can of bears without it turning into the impossibly fantastic.
Some, like Rip and the Sea Devils, made it for a while (around 3 years each) others like the original Suicide Squad / Task Force X, and Cave Carson never really took off.
Personally I liked three of these four* and the Challengers quite a lot, judging by their lack of popularity, even back in the day when you could get away with an idea like this, it seems I am in the minority.
*actually saw an issue with Task Force X in it.