OOC: Book references or how this insomniac passes time

Aug 14, 2008 06:19

OOC: With Terry being an editor and more or less a bibliophile, it's pretty easy to get him talking about either authors or books. This means though that he can name drop certain works or people that unfortunately exist only in his reality. So just to make it easier to understand what the hell he's going on about I've compiled as much info as I could find about the books, etc.

If I'm to be honest this is really for my reference more then anything.

Who: August Van Zorn-Pulp horror/fantasy fiction author

Work(s): The Abominations of Plunkettsburg and Other Tales

Index for The Abomination of Plunkettsburg and Other Tales

The House on Polfax Street
The Eaters of Men
The Case of Edward Angell
The Abominations of Plunkettsburg
To the Nethermost Shore
Sister of Darkness
Knife In A Drawer
Black Gloves
Synopsis for Black Gloves
"It concerned a man, a failed poet, who had committed some unspecified but horrible crime, and who kept finding-in a bar, on the platform beside him while he waited for a train, in one room of every house he visited, in his study draped over a bust of Hesiod, in the veery blankets of his bed-a pair of black ladies' evening gloves. He threw them in the ash can, tossed them into the river, set them on fire, buried them in the ground. They reappeared. One night he awakened with their empty fingers wrapped around his throat." (Chabon)

Dance, Little Girl
Whom Once We Called Our Son
A barbarous notion

(Bach "The Weird Fiction of August Van Zorn" )


Who: Grady Tripp-The best friend, partner in crime, etc.

Work(s): The Bottomlands

"Dutifully I thumbed rides, hopped the B&Os and the Great Northerns, balled the lithe small-town girls in the band shells of their hometown parks, held jobs as field hand and day laborer and soda jerk, saw the crude spectacles of American landscape slide past me as I lay in an open boxcar and drank cheap red wine and if I didn't, I might as well have. I worked for part of a summer in a hellish Texarkanan carnival as the contumelious clown you get to drop into a tank of water after he calls you pencil dick. I was shot in the meat of my left hand in a bar outside La Crosse, Wisconsin. All of this rich material I made good use of in my first novel The Bottomlands, which was well reviewed, and which sometimes, at desperate instants, I consider to be my truest work." (Chabon )

The Arsonist's Girl

"An unpleasant little story of love and madness---It was a slender book, whose composition had cost me a lot of misery, and I had a pretty low opinion of it, myself, although it did contain a nice description of a fire at a petting zoo, and a pretty good two-page sex scene in which my reader was given a taste of the heroine's rectum." (Chabon)

The Land Downstairs

"My third novel, The Land Downstairs, had won a PEN award and, at twelve thousand copies, sold twice as well as both it's predecessors combined. " (Chabon)

---of course the book with the most success has as little details as possible *hangs head*


Who: James Leer- The newest discovery

Now as for James' book, in the timeline--which I've completely schewed for my own convenience aka canon can blow me--The Love Parade is set to be published sometime in early September,there will be a post concerning it and the whole, big synopsis will be stuck in there.

1. Bach, Leon. "The Weird Fiction of August Van Zorn." .
2. Chabon, Michael. Wonder Boys.

canon info, ooc

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