(no subject)

Nov 14, 2009 23:55

  • 00:35 I'm twittering right now, for everyone at this party. #
  • 02:40 To waste haven! #
  • 03:08 Empire state of mind on the radio #yankees #
  • 03:32 Wow best night and it's still going. #
  • 04:27 Oof. #
  • 05:31 Just realizing I'm going to be in so many random people's pictures. #
  • 05:36 about 530am. just getting home... best night. #
  • 11:43 just woke up, but i'm pretty sure it's not a wise decision to stay awake... #
  • 12:06 i met a kid with a !!! tattoo last night. random, and yet totally fucking awesome at the same time. #
  • 13:16 @ EmilyMarks i am just seeing this now and whaaaat? good times. #
  • 13:42 @ EmilyMarks haha, understandable. You couldn't have picked better references. #
  • 15:01 Call of Duty needs to hurry up and finish downloading. #
  • 15:33 @ matthatter no, i can't play FPS games on 360. Only reason I had CoD 4 for 360 was because my brother bought it for me for my birthday. #
  • 18:13 girl texts me asking what i'm doing tonight, i answer, she says she wanted to hang out, i say i'll be around after, i get no answer. fail #
  • 18:18 needless to say, i am quite annoyed. women. #
  • 19:03 @ cheesesandwich eh, this has been happening for months. i try to forget about it but i just keep getting texts from her. #
  • 19:31 @ cheesesandwich haven't hung out with her outside of the bar yet. She always says she wants to hang out and comes up with some excuse. #
  • 20:07 played Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PC) and 2 other games in the last 24 hours. raptr.com/terrrrrible #
  • 20:22 probably in for another looooong night. oh boy. #
  • 21:46 If anyone was trying to invite me to a MW2 game tonight, it was my brother playing his game on my name. #
  • 23:04 Embarassing myself in front of extended family members. #
  • 23:30 I thought my beer tasted like apple cinnamon cheerios when bill was eating rice cakes. #
  • 23:54 Buttsweat And Tears all day long. #
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