(no subject)

Nov 06, 2009 23:55

  • 07:12 My brother is going to the parade today and I'm not... and he's a Mets fan. Boo. #
  • 13:52 Yeah, so I think I need to turn Google Voice off for my normal number. The prompts must be too confusing for people to understand. #
  • 14:02 Are they playing Vengaboys at the #yankees ceremony right now, or is it just the ESPN360 player? #
  • 14:10 @ austinlauria I want the prompt, that's why I'm using it. I've got visual voicemail on the Bold so I don't really use the web part of it. #
  • 18:36 chalk one up for the naive in me. i missed the warning signs, and what i didn't want, i somehow got. #
  • 19:45 I got pulled over within 2 minutes of leaving my friend's house... I blame it on us playing Limp Bizkit. Like we're in 8th grade again. #
  • 20:07 played Borderlands (PC) in the last 24 hours. raptr.com/terrrrrible #
  • 21:44 I drive the partymobile. #
  • 21:54 My car is also the one that's most trashed at the end of the night. #
  • 22:33 At a strip club for a friends birthday. Just got whipped with my own belt. I feel so violated. #
  • 23:13 I think I'm coming down with something just from being in the strip club. #
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