So the themed days did not work out….

Dec 16, 2007 02:46

Originally published at Terrises Blog. Please leave any comments there.

……so shoot me. I am still going to keep trying to post regularly. I will still use some of the theme items just going to do them when I feel like it instead of certain days. My life is kind of boring so sometimes I just have nothing to say.

So what has been going on in my life well here is a story for you….

I go to Target with my friend Lori and her two girls to get a Paramore CD as I got her and her husband hooked on them. Anyway we are walking into  the store and there is an older woman walking next to us and the girls. She was maybe late 60’s or early 70’s I think. SO anyway she says to my friend Lori.

“OMG she looks just like you.” Talking about her little one or does look like a miniature version of her. So Lori says Thanks and the woman turns to me and says….. (Brace yourself for this……….)

” Are you the Grandmother?”

I was shocked. Totally dumbfounded and could not get out anything except No. Now Lori happens to be 2 years older than me and I have been told on many occasions that I do not look my age (38) but honestly I do NOT look like anyone’s Grandmother. I mean WHAT THE FUCK WOMAN…. get some new bifocals there.

In other news it seems that Westchester County is on top of things and my divorce is final. I can not pick up the papers till this week coming up, but it is approved and was filed with the clerks office. Only took a month and the web site said 6-12 months.

I can not believe that Christmas is so close as well as the end of the year. This year went by FAST.

Jose and I went to see I Am Legend Friday night cause what else do you do on a Friday night but go to the movies with your ex-husband. We were not impressed. It was not bad just dragged a bit in some parts. It was a pretty short movie (1 hr 40 mins) so something that short feeling like it dragged is not good.

Well that is about it, but I will leave you with some pictures cause they are HOT.

Enjoy the eye candy Ladies !

friends, family, daily life

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