May 07, 2006 23:42
so, i've realized that i rarely tell people exactly how much they mean to me. so i wanted to let everyone know how much i will miss them this summer, and for the girls (and the guys) of the 4th floor, it has been fantastic living with you for the past 2 years (or semester, in rachel's case :P) and next year i will definitely miss being able to go across the hall or next door to be dumb, random, and have good conversations. or dance in the hallway, take random road trips, and add awesome quotes to the tape of randomness! so in case i forgot to tell any of you how much you mean to me, i'm sorry, and you do mean a lot :) and to my roommate: this semester was fantastic and i'm so glad that you moved in!! you introduced me to the wonderful times of 80s night and i feel like you've made me a better person.. it makes me happy to be around someone who cares for people so much! :) i feel like all of you have become my family after all the time we've spent living together, and be assured that i will be visiting you all at your apartments and dorm rooms so much you'll want me to go away!