I have a bias towards longer stuff. Novellas and Novel-length stuff. But there are some great pieces out there that are short. Drabbles, vingettes and short stories. I thought I'd highlight some of those.
FrustrationFandom: Ocean's 11
kaitscribblesKeywords: Slash
Summary: Rusty and Linus
Why I rec'ed it: It's mainly a PWP, but it's tight. Set in the middle of the movie, it shows a nice level of complexity about the way the characters interact.
Things are ChanginFandom: Joan of Arcadia
iphignia939Keywords: Het, drama
Summary: Grace considers her relationship with Luke.
Why I rec'ed it: Because Gale does the best Luke/Grace out there. Luke and Grace were the reason I liked season 2 of JoA. This story shows exactly why I loved them.
They Say of ElvesFandom: Lord of the Rings
BrancherKeywords: Slash
Summary: Gimli and Legolas, post-trilogy.
Why I rec'ed it: This is one of the best stories for showing how much can be done with a few of the right words. It's been rec'ed elsewhere, and with good reason. Not a single excess word, and all of it elegent.
Hidden in the HeartFandom: SGA
history_gurlKeywords: Slash, angst, character death
Summary: A mission goes wrong
Why I rec'ed it: This story was a like a kick in the gut. Again, tons done with very few words. I've read and reread this story and it never loses its impact.
High TechFandom: SGA
wickedwordsKeywords: Gen
Summary: Rodney came to America for high tech.
Why I rec'ed it: The Stargate series are supposed to take place in the "real" world, or at least close to it. This ties that into McKay's history wonderfully. After all, why is a Canadian working for the US military?