The newest chapter was scanlated... somewhere. All I know is the site was SUPER SLOW. It was terrible.
Nice to see everyone snapping Roy out of his vengeful self. IT WAS UNCOOL HOW ENVY GOT OUT OF EVERYTHING. Suicide. I thought you were better than that :/
ALEX <3 Omg. Every time he shows up lately, be it the manga or the anime, I'm grinning my face off.
Bucky <3 Farman <3 IZUUUUUUUUUUMI!!! She ain't a housewife right now XD Good to see Briggs used her to their advantage.
OKAY. So which homunculus is left? Pride, Wrath, Sloth... Greedling.
Holy crap you guys. Lust, Gluttony and Envy are gone. Didn't we start FMA off with those three? Holy shit. And technically Greed is gone too but we have Greedling now 8D Hey where is he anyway? I MISS HIM AND WANT HIM BACK D: