Nov 09, 2006 21:50
My brother's son was born on Tuesday. His name is Hudson, which is perfect for a New Yorker. He is the first grandchild for both families, so he spent his first day getting photographed like a an actor on Academy Awards night.
With the exception of my Mother, all the visiting relatives seemed to view him as sort of a prop to pose with rather than as a person. He hated lying on his back in a crib, he always cried when put down, and he liked to fall asleep sitting upright in people's arms, but as soon as he did fall asleep, he'd inevitably get either A.) a flash bulb going off in his face B.) Jostled off to the next person for a picture or C.) put down in his crib to "rest", which would wake him up.
Nonetheless, my brother seems to have mastered the arts of diaper changing and baby soothing very well, and he seems to being doing well in every catagory except the telling off of the family members.