
Aug 23, 2006 12:20

Just got back from a weekend with husband's family, which was pretty fun, as they know how to party at a wedding.

One day back, I jumped into the car with my boss and we set out for Cold Spring Harbor for a conference on bacteria. I'd been hoping for some DNA replication, recombination, and repair stuff... the three R's are my true love. Instead, I've got four days of "what genes bacteria require in order to form a film on lunch meat". Alas. And the hotel doesn't even have a jacuzzi.

Tried out for a play on Monday night. Just got the "thanks but no thanks" phonecall. So the next play to try for is Oliver the musical... just because I've never done a musical and it will be a challenge. I'm doing the Camelot song "Simple Joys of Maidenhood".
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