Time for some ARTINS. *thumbs up!*

Jan 07, 2006 12:29

Cos one of my (totally sekrit!) new resolutions was to post some art things every week to prove to myself that I REALLY CAN UPDATE LJ. REALLY. :x

Okay, so I am technically fudging on my resolution because this is FURNITURE ARTINS and not PENCIL ARTINS, but I'm sure my resolution will never find out anyway, ho ho. This is actually a project I did for art class, but it came out exactly how I wanted and I'm ridiculously proud of it so therefore I WILL POST IT IN LJ FOR ALL THE WORLD TO SEE. If by "all the world" you mean...my flist. And I do. :>

The idea was to pick a work of art by a famous artist* and then recreate it on a piece of furniture using some sort of unity. Fucking unity! *shakes fist*

*I picked Chat Noir, by Th


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