I got rhythm, replacement milk and a slight case of mastitis

Apr 25, 2005 11:47

Jesus Christ. Well, lately Des and I have noticed that Luxie's tits have been swelled up huge, much huger than probably normal and also are sort of purple. Then she stopped feeding her babies. They were hungry so they started screaming incessantly. They are only three weeks old though so she should still be feeding them. We gave them some solid puppy food and they ate it, which is good, but we were worried anyway. This morning, we loaded the dog into the car and stuffed the twelve puppies into several doggie carriers and toted ourselves off to the vet. There, Luxie's titties were diagnosed with Mastitis, or swelling and infection of said titties. She was perscribed some antibiotics, one of which she is to take daily. Also, no more feeding for her. She's done. The vet injected her with a shot to get all the pregnancy gunk that is left inside her outside of her and also to deflate her titties. Luxie is to get plenty of food and water, rest and relaxation and no feeding of the puppies! As for the puppies, they are to be fed once ever hour (ish). We also were sent to Petsmart to procure some replacement milk since they still need milk nutrients but aren't having anymore titties. We bought everything we needed and came home. Des then had to go to school so she left me to feed the screaming puppies. I had no idea how much of what to put in what and mix with what. I knew I was supposed to mix some powdered milk with some water, warm it up and mix it with food to soften the food and give it to the puppies. I didn't know how much food to give them so I just gave them a whole bunch, split into two bowls. I put the bowls into their kiddie pool home and let them go for it. Complete chaos followed, including but not limited to: tails in milk, puppies standing in milk, sleeping in some milk, walking around in milk, licking each other's mouths to taste milk, wandering around unable to find milk, food or friends and crying, standing in the middle of a bowl of milk and food while screaming and crying because he or she cannot find the food and milk he or she is standing in, putting foot in milk and then freaking out because foot is wet.

I just stood by and watched the chaos, hoping I didn't give them too much food or milk. Luckily, they stopped eating when they were full so now I know about how much to give them. When they were done eating, some of them fell asleep in a pile and others walked around crying because they were very cold and shivering because they had essentially dipped themselves in milk. Ever the problem solver, I picked them up, wiped them off as best I could and inserted them into the pile of wet, sleeping, milk-covered puppies. Everyone is now asleep, some snoring. The whole ordeal was extremely messy.

Anyway, after we went to the vet today, we went to the sandwich shop that Crystal opened with her boyfriend Ali in the gas station that he owns. It is set up really nice and the food is great. It's called California Sandwich Construction Company...or something. Anyway, it's good.

Before I leave, I want to ask, am I the only server who has waitressing nightmares every single night? It's really driving me crazy and I'm not exaggerating about having them every night. They're really weird. Sometimes, I'll be trying to bring drinks to my tables but I'm struck with sudden and total paralysis and no one will help me. Other times, I am trying to ring an order in only to discover that all the words on the compris have been translated into Portuguese and I am the only person who doesn't understand it and again, no one will help me and I am stuck in the front of a huge line of servers, all of whom are screaming at me in Portuguese to move my ass. My favorite nightmare, however, was the one where I was in a section by myself. I had five tables as soon as I walked in the door. I was really overwhelmed but I tried to do it anyway. Later, the host started pushing more tables into the section, telling me, "Relax, don't be such a baby, everything's going to be okay." so I tried to handle it but then I had 23 tables in one small section and I was freaking out. THEN, Jane's Addiction came in and started performing in the middle of my section. So, I was trying to wait on my 23 tables, none of whom I could hear because of the loud music. I also had to supply the band with water. IN ADDITION, I had all these tables of angry old people who didn't want to listen to Jane's Addiction, they wanted the old Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin songs that we usually play at the Olive Garden so I had to walk around singing Frank Sinatra and Ethel Merman. I GOT RHYTHM I GOT MUSIC I GOT MY MAN WHO COULD ASK FOR ANYTHING MORE?! It was awful.

Anyway, we had to be up early to go to the vet's office so we didn't sleep at all last night. We got off work around 10pm and haven't been to sleep. I am exhausted. I think I'm going to lie down on the couch, put on a movie I don't care about and go to sleep.
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