G. O. P. Grab Our P***

Oct 09, 2016 05:33

A decade ago, Donald Trump was sixty.  And admitting to-bragging about!-being a sex offender.  Not just making lewd comments about women he found attractive, and hateful and disparaging ones about ones he did not, but boasting that he regularly physically sexually assaulted women half or a third his age.  A dirty old man, bragging he could get away with it because he was so rich and powerful.  With victims young enough, in some cases, to be his granddaughters.

And then there’s Paul Ryan, that stalwart defender of women.  As long as, you know, they behave according to his standards.  Like, if they don’t want to use birth control ever. 

Paul is a firm believer in the “quarter” method of birth control-hold it pressed between your knees.   If you open your legs ever, you should be forced by the government to give birth.  And if that leaves your family mired in poverty, so much the better-you deserve it.  And if you develop a life-threatening complication, let’s adopt legislation legalizing “freedom of conscience” for Catholic hospitals to do what that Irish one did four years ago:  let a woman die in horrific agony from entirely preventable septicemia.   A woman named Savita had a miscarriage at 17 weeks and the amniotic sac broke, but she didn’t go into labor and expel it and her doomed fetus.  There was no way to stabilize her so she could carry the baby to term, and no chance at all it could survive.  But the hospital wouldn’t induce labor and they wouldn’t do surgery, because the fetus’s heart was still beating, and "abortion is wrong."  They literally let dead tissue ROT inside this woman and give her blood poisoning, and even as her fever mounted and her agony increased they refused to do anything but give her antibiotics.  By the time the fetal heartbeat stopped and they were willing to operate to remove the source of infection, she was comatose.  Which was a mercy, considering how much pain she had been in.  She died without ever regaining consciousness.

Republican House members, including Paul Ryan and Mike Pence, in 2011 voted overwhelmingly (236 out of 241 G.O.P. representatives) for HR 358 to allow this to happen in American hospitals.  To let hospitals refuse to perform abortions in cases where the woman might DIE if the procedure were not performed.

So listen to Paul now:

He actually criticized the Donald, on the grounds that woman should be "championed and revered, not objectified."  Um.  Gosh, Paul, that's so nice of you to say that.  Of course, the catch is, it's only sexually chaste women who adhere to your standards of modesty and subjugation who merit being "championed and revered" by right-thinking men. If we do anything to tarnish the "reverence" in which we are held, we lose all right to expect to be "championed" and deserve whatever "objectification" we get from the likes of Trump.

And for the record, no woman of color, no matter how chaste her behavior or humble her demeanor, is going to be revered by the likes of Paul.

And, objectification?  That’s what Paul worries about? Donald was boasting about ASSAULT.  About grabbing strangers in the crotch.

But then, it's not as though a female citizen of this country has a fundamental right not to have her person assaulted by random strangers.  We certainly aren't allowed to have an expectation of being free from such attacks.

No, but if we're good little girls and behave ourselves to Paul Ryan's standards so he can "revere" us, he'll "champion" us--ineffectually--against predators like Donald.

So.  The non-reverence-worthy rest of us, the sluts and uppity bitches and women of color, are all  S.O.L., of course, and deserve whatever "objectification" jerks like Trump choose to give us.  After all, if we didn't want to be treated like that, we should have stayed in the kitchen in our burkwas.  Excuse me, this is middle America, our aprons.

Excuse me while I go vomit.  First on Donald, then on Paul.

And then there’s the official statement of the Republican Party, issued by Reince Priebus:
“No woman should ever be described in these terms or talked about in this matter. Ever.”

Talked about.  Right.  What about, assaulted?  We do deserve that?

Plus, remember Donald’s first “apology”?  That what he said was just locker-room banter?  Every guy says stuff like that, in private where the girls can’t hear.  Whassa problem?

And Donald’s appeal to Republicans all along, his claim to their hearts, is that he’s breaking out of the bondage of political correctness by saying what they think but don’t dare say.  Free the captives!

And so here’s Reince, saying what Trump did wrong was, it’s not politically correct to SAY things like that.  In public.

But it’s fine with him for a dirty old man to DO things like that.  To press his wet lips and hot little hands and limp dick against the bodies of women and girls whose livelihoods depend on their not displeasing him (and maybe more; in the pending child rape case against Donald, a woman testifies he threatened her and her family with death if she reported the crime-a rich guy with Mob connections, I’d certainly have taken such a threat seriously).

So be politically correct, Donald (which our base loves that you're not), and stop saying things like that, says Reince.  But go ahead and keep doing them.

Please note too, all the male Republicans talking about how offensive Trump is, who mention their wives and daughters.   Romney, and Bush, and the like.

As in. No Republican, and no one who’s been paying the slightest attention to Donald’s recorded history, can possibly be surprised when Donald admits himself to be a serial sex offender whose first impulse when he sees a woman he finds attractive is to physically attack her-to kiss her against her will, fondle her, grope her crotch. Or when he brags about his behavior and talks about her (excuse me, “its”) body in the crudest possible terms.  Or that he should boast that his celebrity and wealth and status make it impossible for women to protect themselves effectually from his repulsive attacks.

He’s been quoted talking in that way, and repeatedly accused of acting that way, for years now. Decades.

So why the sudden outrage among Republicans?  And it's not that he used obscenities talking about women, that the casual use of the p-word upset them, because when they found out he used the c-word of a journalist they laughed it off.  What’s new?

That Donald made it crystal clear that he didn’t restrict his predations to women who “deserved it.”

After all, Donald’s a New Yorker, from America’s original Sin City; surely all his victims are “actresses” and “models” and the like sewer dwellers?  Sluts, in short, who deserve everything they get from him? Or who even, like, presumably, Marla and Melania, must have deliberately encouraged his lecherous advances, however repulsive, in the gold-digging hope of taking advantage of him?

Why should a moral Republican care what’s being done to women like them, or what language he uses about such women?

So. One thing that’s actually different in this video is that Donald was clear that being virtuous was no protection whatsover for a woman. That he’d aggressively attack even someone’s faithful wife who’d demonstrated her complete lack of interest in him.

In that, he showed his lack of loyalty to the sexual double standard that Republicans so love. For Republicans, male and female, there are supposed to be good and virtuous women, who as long as they play absolutely by the rules set by God and Party, are off limits for rape and sexual assault and ther worst of the verbal sexual harassment.

And then there are… the rest of us. All the rest of us. Who by our choice not to conform to their norms of sexual virtue (and of color, and high socioeconomic status, and of submissiveness to ALL their values), are inviting whatever sexual attacks we end up suffering. Gagging to be raped.

Fair game.

But Donald didn’t restrict his sexual assaults to the rest of us women, the ones who don’t count with Republicans; he considers their virtuous women to be game too. He’s got the toddler mentality: if I want it, it’s mine.  If I see it, it’s mine.

So, yeah, those conservative Republicans are waking up to the fact that Donald considers himself free to rape and grope and ogle and make lewd or disparaging comments about THEIR women and girls, as well as (as they’ve known all along) doing these things to all the rest of us women.

Us Latina “housekeepers” and "c***"  journalists and New York working women and liberals and feminists and poor women and women of color, who never have counted with Republicans.

And in doing so Donald’s destroying the favorite fantasy the G.O.P. offers to women-that if we’re good little girls, if we're just good enough, Daddy GOP will keep us safe.

The Donald’s admitting that he attacks ANY woman who catches his attention violates the Devil’s bargain the right-wing has made with frightened women:

The fantasy that made many women accept the terrible bargain men like Ryan and Pence offered: let us legislate your uterus. Let us tell you exactly what you can and can’t do, in bed, and in your relationships, and in your lives.  Let us literally tell hospitals to let you die, if your life is endangered as a result of your having screwed.

And if you do, if you close your legs against pleasure and open them in forced-births exactly in accordance with my dictates, at least we’ll keep you safe from monsters like the Donald.


Grab Our P**sies.

One way or the other.

republican party, political, sexual politics, trump

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