Late: A Drabble (AU)

Oct 18, 2011 16:22

Padfoot was late, as usual.

Peter stopped pacing when he heard Sirius’s usual quadruple knock. As usual, Peter couldn’t hear the whispered password before the door swung wide.

But what poured through the opening were dark figures in masks.

Peter dove instantly for cover, but the red light caught him in mid-change.


He opened his eyes upon Sirius’s agonized face. “He’s a Legilimens, Peter,” Padfoot groaned. “He tore through my barriers like they were made of straw. I couldn’t help it!”


Being left unharmed to watch Him set off for Godric’s Hollow was, the friends agreed, crueler than any torture.

harry potter fanfic, sirius black, drabble, peter pettigrew

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