I don't often post - I'm not a very good blogger - sorry :)
Next Tuesday night I'm going to a talk by Malalai Joya. She was the Afghan Parliamentarian that they booted out of parliament because she called the current puppet government officials warlords and called for them to be charged with war crimes.
She's here to launch her book "Raising my Voice".
If you're interested I'd love to see you there :)
This is the Blurb:
Malalai Joya was elected to the first Afghan parliament but evicted for speaking out against the warlords. For the last five years she has lived under constant threat and moves between safe houses daily. The BBC calls her the most courageous woman in the world. Her book will resonate around the world; hearing her speak will be a lifetime experience.
Joya will speak and sign her book in Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide and Melbourne. Dates and venues are announced on the SAWA web site at
www.sawa-australia.org/events.htm and are also listed here:
Talk and book signing at Palace Cinema, Leichhardt (through Shearers Bookshop)
Tuesday 30 June, 7.15 pm. Phone 02 9572 7766 to book ticket or info.
Literary lunch with talk and book signing at Four Seasons Hotel, City
(through Dymocks/Sydney Morning Herald Literary program)
Wednesday 1 July 12 noon. Phone 02 9449 4366 to book ticket or info.
Talk and book signing at Avid Reader Bookshop, West End
Thursday 2 July 6 for 6.30 pm. Phone 07 3846 3422 to book ticket or info.
'Sundowner' Talk and book signing at Tompkins On Swan Function Centre, Alfred Cover
(through Dymocks Garden City)
Monday 6 July 7 pm. Phone 08 9316 2951 to book ticket or info.
Talk and book signing at Stirling Library, Stirling
(through Matilda Bookshop)
Tuesday 7 July 6 for 6.30 pm. Phone 08 8339 3931 to book ticket or info.
Talk and book signing at Goodwood Community Centre, Goodwood
(through Angus & Robertson Unley)
Wednesday 8 July 11 am. Phone 08 8271 0988 to book ticket or info.
Literary event with talk and book signing at State Library Village Roadshow Theatrette
(through Dymocks/The Age Literary program)
Thursday 9 July 6.30 pm. Phone 03 9660 8500 to book ticket or info.