Jul 30, 2012 07:49

Enabling my stalkers, one convention at a time.

This is my schedule for Shore Leave 2012, this weekend at the Hunt Valley Inn, Hunt Valley, MD. Room name is in parentheses.

10:00 p.m.--midnight: Meet the Pros (Hunt/Valley Corridor)

10:00a.m.--11:00 a.m.: Alternative Histories: The Art of Writing Parallel and Alternative Timelines (Salon E)
11:00 a.m.--Noon: Farewell Eureka (Salon E)
1:00 p.m.--2:00 p.m.: Everything is Better in a TARDIS! (Salon A)
3:00 p.m.--4:00 p.m.: I Believe in Sherlock! (Belmont)
6:00 p.m.--7:00 p.m.: Small Press and Self Publishing (Concierge)

I always offer to help with the Masquerade judging, but they don't always need me. If asked, I'll go from the Small Press panel to the Masquerade.

Nothing on my schedule. Just relaxing and enjoying the con. There's part of me that wants to check out the Intro to Shamanism panel, though. Haven't decided yet. Definitely there for Mystery Trekkie, as always. I'm not leaving until Monday, so no pressure there. :)
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