The bookworm is wiggling

Jul 27, 2008 18:37

I want another good book that is somewhat like The Art of had gay relationships and drag queens XD I was soooo damn happy when I saw it...and here I thought the book was boring til I discovered the gayness that ensued muahahahaha. Although it didn't last long enough in the book; the whole book should have been dedicated to the drag queens and the male prostitutes lol.
I was laughing and giggling so much throughout the entire parts that involved yaoi...too bad no actual sex was in it. But the inner yaoi fan girl in me was appeased somewhat.

But that aside I've decided to start a list of books I MUST read no matter what? The list is as follows...I might add some more eventually when I remember some titles.

In no specific order:

1. A Tale Of Two Cities - Charles Dickens
2. David Copperfield - Charles Dickens
3. The Complete Works Of William Shakespeare
4. Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy
5. The Lonely Londoners - Samuel Selvon
6. The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
7. War and Peace - Leo Tolstoy
I can't remember any more maybe something by Edgar Allan Poe.

I just got Wild Swans by Jung Chang and I have yet to smell the new book smell...
Any suggestions anyone? In case you haven't noticed I don't read romance novels..unless it involves boy on boy love lol (I'm such a perv) but that's what fan fiction is for..

reading, books, life

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