Malfoy's Moment

Oct 05, 2010 10:59

A fanfic inspired by lynn_waterfall’s speculations.

Summary: At the end of CoS, Malfoy confronts the truth about his own machinations.

Lucius lounged by the fire, idly considering the rival merits of another brandy and his bed. A tap at the window startled him-an owl delivery at this hour? He picked up his wand and opened the curtains, peering at the owl through the glass. It was Draco’s Constantine. Lucius opened the casement with one slash of his wand.


The parchment dropped from his fingers; for a moment he couldn’t move. Then he bellowed, “DOBBY! ATTEND ME!”

He had ripped off his dressing gown and nightshirt before the elf had even popped in.


Lucius Apparated to Hogwarts’ front gates, slammed them open with the governor’s override, and threw himself onto his broom. He spent the flight individually cursing each headmaster and governor he could remember, from the present working backwards, for never allowing the school to be put on the Floo travel network for emergencies. Cursing kept his thoughts at bay. His cloak and unfastened sleeves flapped.

Lucius had reached cursing the hair of Berenice Black (Governor 1911 - 1942) into elflocks when he finally skidded to a halt in front of the great oak doors and flung them open in turn. Dropping the broom in the entrance hall, Lucius ran for the narrow opening that led to the dungeons. He stumbled and almost fell on the second staircase, but he didn’t moderate his pace.

He banged on Snape’s door, then braced himself against the doorframe, panting. Dobby popped up beside him and started fastening his cuffs. It occurred to Lucius, belatedly, that Snape might not even be there; the teachers might be out patrolling.

But Severus, fully dressed despite the hour, opened the door almost at once. His eyes widened as he took in Malfoy’s state. Dobby levitated up to fasten Lucius’s collar, and Lucius knocked him impatiently aside, gasping, “Draco…. He told me the monster attacked a Pureblood, Weasley’s little girl….”

“Draco’s safe,” Severus said at once. “All the children are, now.”

Lucius sagged against the wall and shut his eyes. Snape squeezed his shoulder briefly. “Trust you to think of that implication immediately, Lucius. But Draco IS safe.”

Lucius took a breath and straightened himself. He raised his chin, gesturing absently for Dobby to finish there. Then he fixed Severus with a stare. “How can you be sure?”

Severus gestured at his garb, which Lucius now noticed to be Snape’s dress robes. “Because McGonagall has just summoned us all to a feast to celebrate the defeat of the monster. And, ah, the headmaster’s return.”

“What?” Lucius jerked. Dobby pulled out a rag and polish and started in on the shoes; Lucius kicked him out of the way and took half a step forward. “Dumbledore’s back? But we suspended him!”

Snape raised both eyebrows. “I imagine I’ll know more after I attend the feast. But not, perhaps, much more.”

Lucius snorted. “Then I’ll beard the lion in his den now.” He whirled to leave, then swung back. “Severus-thank you.”

Snape said, his mouth twisting, “It’s no thanks to me that your son is safe.”

“Nor to me.”

Lucius turned again and strode off down the corridor, Dobby bobbing in his wake.

lucius, harry potter fanfic, cos, basilisk

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