(no subject)

May 27, 2007 11:36

It occurs to me I have a right to be angry with my teacher. For one thing in class critiques she'll say things like "this is coming along nicely" and then later when no one else is around she literally told me it sucks. Nothing in art comes easily to me and I pretend like I don't care so instead of "Wow, she tries but she sucks" people will instead think "Wow, what a lazy ass." So yes, what I did was my personal best under the circumstances and fuck you for suggesting otherwise.

She got all up in my personal business so she knows I'm in therapy and on drugs but since I haven't become a completely outgoing friendly individual during the entire two semesters she's known me apparently that's my fault too. Oh, and my therapist's. I've made tons of progress in the past few months, and for you to belittle that? Fuck you.

Nevermind the fact that I have to deal with this shit while dealing with school. Apparently I'm supposed to just snap my fingers and my life will suddenly all come together.
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