So, 2013 has been a little more stressful than planned. ^^; First, a good note--I officially received my CPA (certified public accountant) license in January, so huzzah! And at just the right time, too, apparently. My company is in the process of being pieced out and sold. *sighs* Starting from the beginning, in January, a coworker quit and hinted to my boss and me that there was a file that we should look at. I didn't have time for snooping, but the boss did and he discovered a list of 15 names to be laid off. One of which, my boss's name. Even he admitted that I do 85% of the work and he was bored, so yeah, he wasn't surprised.
At that point, I took on some of the responsibilities from the coworker who left, and then started to do about 99% of the work since my boss completely checked out and started looking for something else. In April (note, no layoffs happened), my boss found another job (happy for him and more so his family) and I got the other 1% of his duties. At that point, massive rumors about the company being sold started to circulate. Honestly, I wasn't surprised. We're owned by a portfolio company and we haven't made a cent in 3 years--of course we're going to be sold off. Still, while rumors and proof circulated, the higher-ups haven't said a damned thing to the employees.
Then last week, the CFO and Controller (my new boss) pulled me aside before I went on vacation/continuing education weekend in Las Vegas. Basically, they gave me the "We know you've probably heard things, but dear God, please don't go anywhere!" talk. They recognized my insane dedication to work (I'm doing the work of three people and we're still closing the books faster than with two extra people last year) and how I haven't gotten a raise in a year and a half (bad luck, I somehow always start 2-3 months before review cycles, and now the sale is getting in the way). They actual admitted that I'm "integral" to the company, and honestly, that is why I still like my company--they aren't afraid to give props where props are due. They say that a "centralized" position will be available to me (along with compensation) if I want it. No clue how true that might be and, as my mom loves to quote, show me the money, but I'm willing to wait for now. It sounds like 5/29 is the big day.
That said, I leave at 7am and typically don't get home until 7pm or later. As you can imagine, I haven't written anything substantial in months, and it's killing me a little bit. Hopefully things will calm down sooner than later, and then I'll get back to the good crack... if I still remember how to write!
And now back to my typical radio silence. :p