What a month makes...

Apr 24, 2008 18:38

Well, it's about time I got off my ass and wrote something. I swear, the more time I have to write, the more I manage to distract myself. I'm such a horrible person. Anyway, the link is below for the chapter as I've decided to be a little more... clearer with fiction links.

Title: For Nothing, For Everything - chapter fifteen
Pairings: SeiferxSquall
Chapter Summary: Seifer fights, then it's time to go home.
Lovely betas: smgriffin and Jess Almasy
Series notes: Only 2 or 3 chapters remaining... if the muses obey.
Word Count: 17,191

'Game Restart:NP' has been calling to me, so I'll work on another chapter of that before returning to FNFE. Cross your fingers that I stop being such a lazy bum.

At least I've decided to not do the Yaoi Con fiction contest this year. Frankly, I hate the prompts since they mostly seem to point toward the cheating type of fiction that I despise: A) Absolution (aka, forgive me for cheating on you), B) Bad timing (aka, you weren't supposed to see me fucking someone else), C) Countdown (aka, when can I get rid of you to fuck my other boyfriend hiding in the closet), D) Declarations (aka, I'm cheating on you!), and E) Elephant in the room (aka, we're not talking about how you're cheating on me). ...Okay, so they probably aren't that bad, but I don't see anything inspiring about these prompts, thus I'm not touching them in favor of something more satisfying. If an anthology was still around, I'd be tempted to do that since it's looser rules, but whatever.

In other news, Avalanche are going to Round 2 Playoffs! Yes, I'm very happy about this since playoff hockey is highly amusing, so it's good to see my boys going further into the series. And while the Red Wings should tromp us, it'll still be good playoff hockey to watch... I hope. =P And hey, we just scored our first point against the Red Wings in three games. Maybe there is hope... Ha, I say as the score is now 1 - 4, red Wings.

In more important news, it's been a month since I quit my job and I'm not losing any sleep over the decision. A friend went back as a temp and he's doing all of the development work I would've done, but while he's doing only that work, I would have been expected to do both that and regular lab work while getting zero extra credit for the work. Nope, it wasn't worth my mental distress to stay there. So while job hunting, I've spent a week with my parents in Reno, seen a lot of hockey, and finally got my landscaping done that I've wanted to do for about a year. Oh, and I've been playing a lot of DDR to prevent my lazy ass from getting too big. ;) Nothing too eventful, but I'm proud of myself from not sleeping away my entire days, which I was afraid I would start to do.

So, while staying with my parents, I ended up watching 'Dancing with the Stars' because my mother loves the show. I have to say that the Tuesday encore dance of the 'Man-go' was highly amusing. In short, Steve Guttenberg's partner got sick during the week, so her husband filled in for her and danced the female part to help train Steve. The judges found the clip of this hilarious and decided that they should perform it in front of the live audience. Oh lordy, Jonathan's eyebrow wiggle at the very beginning of their dance cracks me up every single fucking time. XD

fnfe, life, yaoi con, update, avs

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