Something a little different...

Jan 19, 2008 11:54

Be prepared for the impossible - I wrote a one-shot for a different fandom. It's an AU fic for the Midnighter and Apollo pairing, so it doesn't require knowledge of the pairing, but it certainly helps to better understand what I've done with the characters. Also, this fic is a little... different than my typical writing to the point that I'm actually a bit embarrassed to even think about posting this thing. I blame Midnighter for invading my mind. Anywho, here it is - Sunlight, Marble, and Glass'. BTW, thank you so much to my betas, Jess Almasy and smgriffin, for reading through this thing and making me feel a little less self-conscious about posting it.

This fic is a result of vejiicakes and loqia tricking me into reading The Authority and its associated comics, thus exposing me to Midnighter and Apollo. It didn't help that I was encouraged by Vejiicakes's awesome fanart and Dee's highly addicting fanfiction. I just hope that they don't laugh at me too hard for actually writing this AU. ;)

In addition to the ficcage, I have a lovely 'doodle' that Vejiicakes sent me for Christmas. Really, I was expecting a quick little thing and got this one in the mail. I'm so spoiled!

So, I'm planning to work on the next chapter of 'Game Restart: New Platform' for the next update. I have about half written, and then stopped just before a stupid fighting scene. I really hate writing action scenes... which leaves me to wonder why the hell I'm attracted to characters that really like fighting and fucking. Must be those masochistic tendencies coming out.

Anywho, I will be working on the chapter once work stabilizes. My shift has been changed for the fourth time in three months, and this latest change left me with one day off in nine days. Oh, and I didn't know about the change until two weeks ago. Our entire group is rather pissed off by the utter lack of communication we have been getting from our managers. Better yet - my direct manager actually seems confused about why we are so upset. Idiot. I have a couple of vacation days I'm taking next week and he has already mentioned that I could switch days with someone, to which I replied that I'd rather have a vacation. He made it seem like a novel idea that I would want to have those days off and not work make-up days. I'm going to be upset if I'm forced to switch shifts.

work, pictures, authority, update

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