No update, sadly, but I swear that I'm working on it. I haven't been very motivated lately and I've foolishly decided to attempt submitting something to Yaoi-con yet again. Unfortunately, every freaking idea I come up with would go far longer than 10,000 words. Why is it so hard to write short stories compared to the monster fics I keep falling
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I don't know if J-Pop is your thing, but I've been listening to "Shiki no Uta", the ending theme for the anime Samurai Champloo. If you're willing, check it out. The first time I heard it(I only started watching the anime like week ago) I immediately looked for the full length version of the song and I've been listening to it everyday ever since.
I'm such a geek...
Well, my semester finished around the end of April(I failed a class damnit, gonna either have to do an extra semester or talk to my prof when he September. And he still most likely won't do anything :S). I've just been at home screwing up my sleep time by staying up late. I'm still trying to make a decent resume, but it's difficult since I've never worked before in my life.
I have relatives coming over in a couple days so I gotta clean up my room for them. You know, let them think I'm a tidy girl and all :P wise, let's see...
To be honest, I haven't touched my PS2 in about a while, a couple of weeks actually, despite the free time I have. I am thinking about actually playing the "Devil May Cry 1" game I have so that I can feel better about buying DMC 2 and 3 when I get the money. I figured it's inevitable (I heard about twincest in DMC3 damnit!) ^_-
Although I'm sure no more PS2 games are in the making; depsite PS3 being REALLY expensive, games are being made for it. I have a couple of RPGs in mind that I wanna get a hold of, one for the PS1 actually, but I have no money :(
KH2 Final Mix is suppose to be coming in November, but that's probably the American release date, but I really don't know. Although if I have the money by then, I will buy it.
As for yaoi, I've seen a couple of hard-yaoi OVAs, but no real plots(it's one thing to read lemons, but to seem them in action...)
Yay! I'm so happy; I finally got into aarinfantasy! I've been downloading manga scans every night, and it's so fun talking to other people about yaoi. There's no one I can really talk to on regular basis about stuff I'm interested in, so to find a whole community to talk about something so provocative, it's awesome :D
Oh! Actually, I've been watching the "Death Note" anime series. I just finished watching the episode where a particular character dies, and now that they're dead, I kind of wanna stop watching now :P
Gah! I've rambled on about things that's probably of no interest to you! I'm sorry!
Anyways, don't stress too much. Just do what you can :D
Eh, I had my jpop phase a long while ago, but lately, I've preferred English songs that have lyrics and music to keep me interested. Granted, there aren't many CDs like that anymore, but I keep hoping for it.
Sorry to hear about the failed class. That's never good news at the end of a school year.
Heh, I actually played DMC2 first. I was in the mood for a 'smack things to death' game and bought DMC2 since it was $20. After a few months, I ended up getting the first DMC and I liked the second one better. It's not like there's that much original plot to the game where you have to play them in order, but I haven't played the third one, so I don't know what that one is like.
Phft, I have yet to see a yaoi anime that was about the plot and not the sex. 'Fake' didn't have sex, but really, the whole series is one that leads up to sex. And I've been downloading manga scans for ages and I'm very disappointed in how much crap there exists. Naono Bohra is a favorite who rarely disappoints and I miss 'Sex Pistols' ever since the B-boy company went broke and disrupted a bunch of manga series. I think I'm just frustrated by the numerous stories that are so close to being good, and then fall back on the age old 'we knew each other as kids and I've always loved you, too!' ending. Whatever. Hopefully you can enjoy the stories I'm far too picky about. =P
I've been reading the graphic novels of 'Death Note' (the manga was way too hard to understand everything) and it's a great story. I'm very curious where everything will lead to, but I love seeing some kind of thought placed into a series, especially when it's a darker viewpoint on life.
Heh, I always stress. There's nothing to be done about that. ;)
Sighs...Thanks for your words, but there's no point in worrying about that fail now.
*snickers* "Smack things", more like "shoot things", although I use the sword more than the guns, so it's really "slice things" for me. I was able to get DMC 1 for $15(that's CANADIAN money) at the flea market when I bought it, a good buy if I do say so myself :)
Although what you're saying seems odd to me; almost everyone I know whose played DMC says that the second one was the worst of the three that's currently out (DMC 4 is for the PS3; saw the trailer the other day).
The way the story was told is that it's going in an almost backwards way, so it's like ending, middle, and then the beginning. That is just from word of mouth, but I do want to own all three games, or at the very least play all three. Although not a traditional RPG, DMC seems to have an interesting storyline.
As for yaoi, if you've seen "Loveless" there is a plot of sorts, although the storyline continues in the manga(I never actually READ it, just watched the anime). And the boy/boy action is limited (although when it happens, I swoon :P). Although it is technically shota(12 year old and a 19 year old).
I've only recently started looking at more yaoi animes and such only because I had limited access before. You probably know a lot more than I do(you mentioned a couple of anime/manga names I haven't heard of before).
Yeah, I admit it, I don't HATE easy happy endings, but I grow tired of the same damn ukes who are "too uke". Damnit, have some control you friggin' wimp! Everytime I see a sex scene they start crying because they're "so happy". Honestly, at least have them say "it hurts" if they're gonna do the water works.
Although I admit if I don't like the style of art used in the mangas, it's difficult to enjoy the story
(if there is one).
Might be a dumb question, but what the difference between a graphic novel and a manga?
Yup, I've checked out the 'Loveless' anime and it was okay. It's a touch too much angst for me to handle, or rather too much angst that doesn't go anywhere, but I'll admit that it's a pretty series. I got several of the manga, and to my despair, it goes even slower than the anime. I'm so hopeless - I like angst, but damn it, give me some hope that the characters are going to fuck at some point. =P
*nods* Ukes that are pretty much girls with a flat chest irritate me. The reason I became infatuated with yaoi is because of that added level to what it means to admit love for a person who is the same sex. That, and it's double the amount of pretty boys looking good together. ;) But yeah, I'm very happy whenever I stumble upon a story that has an equal pair, just two men who happen to fall in love.
Heh, don't worry about it - a manga is the comic in the original Japanese text and a graphic novel is the translated version. While they have gotten better, graphic novels were crap when they first came out and because of that, I refuse to call the English releases 'manga'. Hell, I still prefer the Japanese text despite not understanding everything. Something is lost whenever I read these things in the English form, so when I do stumble upon a good story, I end up buying the manga. I'm just thankful for scanlations that have saved me a lot of money that would have been wasted on crap.
Yes, the name "Loveless" itself does lead one to think "sad", which it is. But it does have it's nice moments. Perhaps the mangaka(I think that's the term) has some morals and can't draw a 12 year old having sex, especially not with a adult male(although it's ironic since Soubi was a kid when he lost his ears to a much older man; pattern of behaviour?).
Although maybe you can clarify something since you've read the manga; I've been hearing about how Seimei has another fighter named "Beloved", so I'm wondering what will happen to Soubi when Seimei makes his return.
If you're interested in a pairing of equal males, check out "Yellow"(if you haven't already). A lot of people have summarized Yellow as being some what similar to "Fake". Yellow is actually the first manga series that I bought with my own money. The art is good, the chracters are interesting, and it's not cliche (at least not for me). Oh, and decent sex scenes :D
Ah, well I call the translated manga a manga nonetheless. I suppose one farfetched reason that translations used to be bad is because the translators probably assumed that since mangas are technically "comic books", the reader audience would probably be young and therefore need a simplified understanding of the story.
Luckily for me, whatever I've read in english seemed decent enough, so I wasn't screwed either. And scanlations are VERY nice to have on the side :D
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