After waiting for feedback from a couple of betas (thank you Jess and
cicer!), I have an update for you patient souls - 'High Price' chapters
four and
five. And that's the ending to this story, one that I'm happy to finish since it was a little bit hard for me to write compared to other stories. It's sad how the last update was in July. Hopefully
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*snicker* You've got to love Seifer. Once he sets his mind to something, he can't be happy until he has it. But once he *does* have what he wants, that boy sure gets comfortable. Good thing Squall is pretty much the same, though he doesn't know it. The only difference is that Squall never knows what he wants until Seifer explains it to him with slow words and pretty pictures. ;)
Thanks for that typo mentioning. I think it was something I added after my betas looked it over. I'm so bad, I can't stop fiddling with these stories until they are posted. I think that's the main reason why I try to hurry and post once I finish a chapter. If I keep it around, these chapters (let alone the stories) would never be completed.
*grin* Yes, I know your bias. But I am thinking the hockey fic could become too heavy for me... I should keep it playful, but the story refuses to bend that way. BTW, our division sucks! Freaking 15 to 30 point differences in every other division and we have a whole 5 point spread. What's with that?
I do love Seifer :) I think I've said this before - at the beginning I just loved Squall, and Seifer sort of, by association. You made me fall for him in his own right, heee! In most stories he's kinda stereotypical - but you infuse some unique (and lovable and charming as hell) personality in him that makes me care what and how happens to him independently of whatever happens to Squall. Quite a rare feat :) Lol, and it's good that Seifer's there, otherwise poor Squall would stay forever clueless ;)
Heavy? Hm. You wouldn't know until you give it a try, no? *sly grin* I don't mind 'un-playful' stories ;)..And I know! It's so unfair, our dividion is so cutthroat...Well, it keeps thing perpetually interesting. At least Canucks are way better than when they started *keeps fingers crossed not to jinx them*
Heh, I used to have such issues writing Seifer, so it's good to hear that I've somehow figured out a good way to write him. Anymore, I have fun writing from the point of view of a guy who is absolutely confident in the things he believes. It still makes Seifer sound like a bastard, but not the bully bastard he is in the game.
Oh yes, heavy. I've already considered where I could take the story and it'd lead to a bunch of random issues that would get more complicated than I'd want to deal with. But I also can't imagine what else to do with the story. I promise to play around with it and hopefully figure out something that would be less work. =P
"Interesting" is one way to put it. Painful is another. I say we start blaming the Wild. Weren't they supposed to be the crap team in our division? Why are they playing well, damn it? ;)
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