After waiting for feedback from a couple of betas (thank you Jess and
cicer!), I have an update for you patient souls - 'High Price' chapters
four and
five. And that's the ending to this story, one that I'm happy to finish since it was a little bit hard for me to write compared to other stories. It's sad how the last update was in July. Hopefully
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Actually, on a more private note, this coincides with something happy that happend this week for me. I had failed an important class in my first semester, and the result ended up being unable to attend four classes for this current semester. but after I had a chat with the professor who failed me, we came to an arrangement. I re-do two assignments and if they were good enough, he would raise my mark to a pass. And well, I guess they were good enough, 'cause now I can go attend all my classes.
Anyways, just my happy rant.
Nonetheless, I hope to read more stories from you in the future, but although I'm Canadian, I hope this hockey story you're fooling around with will be tasteful :P
Kudos to you for the school whatnots. I know what it feels like to be held behind a bit. I had to do an extra semester of college because my advisor failed to inform me that I needed a minor with my Chemistry major. Worse yet, I had a minor already, but it was an honors program that apparently didn't fulfill the requirement despite the fact it was twice the amount of credit hours, not to mention the workload. Idiots. I'm so happy to not be a student anymore.
*snicker* Depends on your definition of 'tasteful'. There's certainly tasting... ;) But yes, I love hockey, so it's nothing against the game. It's just another real world setting where Squall and Seifer can beat the shit out of each other and it's perfectly fine.
Ah, that must've sucked. I hope I don't need to do that. So far I'm still on track, but there's a couple of assignmnets that I'll probably have to do within this week, but hopefully the profs might let me off on them, but very unlikely :P
Anyways, thanks for the kudos. Don't think anyone has ever said that phrase to me before though :D
Question about that hockey idea, you gonna give Squall an advantage because of his ifinity with ice, or you gonna have Seifer get his way?
Gah! I keep procrastinating on my fanfics. Like I've said before, I've got all these ideas running around like crazy in my head, just no initiative to start them, or even any time to spare.
Did you deal with this kind of stress when you were 18-years old?
By the way, how old are you anyways?
Heh, stress is always bad, it's just the type of stress that always changes. From school to finding a job to living on your own, there are always things conspiring out there to make your life stressful.
You tease! XD
I AM actually working on this little fanfic right now, but it's a "Star Ocean: Till the End of Time" story, and I want to beat the game again with the ending I want before doing a full complete fic.
Right now, I just have the lemon scenes down, which can pretty much be applied any where and a few plot lines, but nothing really substantial :P
Anyways, to be blunt and bitchy, get back to writing more fics! SxS or original, I don't care! But I'll be needing my fixes soon ^_-
So, keep up the good work, and know I will faithfully be visiting this site often, hell, even daily.
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