Title: Thick as Thieves Season 2: Under Your Command
Rating: T
Warnings: Some violence but not graphic
Characters: Lucas Taylor, Michael Taylor (OC - Lucas’ twin), Nathaniel Taylor, Skye Tate, Alicia Washington, the Shannon Family, Mark Reynolds, Tom Boylan, Tim Curran, Mira
Relationships: Wash/Michael (OC), Lucas/Skye, references to Wash/Taylor
Summary: Michael Taylor OC (Lucas’ twin brother).This is the sequel to my OC story, Thick as Thieves, which covered Michael’s story in S1. This continuation picks up where S1 ended: 2150 is in disarray since Hope Plaza went up in flames and the Chicago Rebellion grows stronger every day as they fight the corporation responsible for their misery. Forced to battle the rebellion with the Phoenix Group army in order to protect Wash, Michael is sent back to Terra Nova on a new mission…