Things that remain Chapter 7 (Special , first part)

May 10, 2015 11:00

Title: Things that remain (Special, first part)
Character/Pairing: Lucas/Skye
Genre: Romance, Angst
Rating: PG-17
Summary: After finale Terra Nova, a Lucket Fanfiction for The Lucket Valentine Challenge.
Author’s Note: This Chapter is for Fanycharmed. For her intelligence and for her patience in listening to me . There are aspects of Lucas Taylor that I understand only because of her acumen, she have explained me. Many thanks for my new translater, Anne Marie! Thanks girl! You rocks!

Special First part
(Nathaniel Taylor, about two years after the Occupation.)

This Chapter is for Fanycharmed. For her intelligence and for her patience in listening to me. There are aspects of Lucas Taylor that I understand only because of her acumen, she have explained me. Also, Fanycharmed has corrected this work. I love you Fany!

Many thanks for my new translator, Anne Marie! Thanks girl! You rock!


First part

(Nathaniel Taylor, about two years after the occupation.)

The commandant is alone. It's past the hour of dinner, and the colony is silent. Lately Nathaniel Taylor has always been alone. The soldiers obey him at as much as lifting up an eyebrow, this is true. But he has no one anymore in the evening with whom to play a game of chess. Not his son, who never liked playing with him anyway, not Skye, not Wash.

Alicia Washington. His lieutenant is back from the netherworld, changed. Her eyes, those eyes so strict, say to him clearly that also this once he failed to rescue a woman that he loved, a woman who remained alongside of him all those years.

Lucas hoped he would come out of his hole to rescue her like the heroes do. He knew that he was ambushed, and he used Wash like a lure. And he, the hero, the great commander, he allowed his son to shoot her.

Afterwards, the joy of knowing that she was still alive was obscured by the fact that it was Carter, that scum itinerant, who had cured and saved her. He was staying at the colony to assist her, and he delivered himself to his soldiers to stay beside her.

And what is worse, Alicia has a strange gaze when she looks him. Not one that is reserved for the enemy, one when understanding he is armed and dangerous.

Now it is no more like it used to be. Now he is truly alone at the command. Oh, sure, Jim Shannon obeys without a murmur. But he doesn't understand. How could he understand?

And when Alicia… No, when Lieutenant Wash looks at him, her eyes tell him clearly that she knows he left her there to die. She remembers. Lucas has swindled him for the umpteenth time. He made sure that the woman, who only now he knows he is in love with, could see. She could see that nothing is more important than Terra Nova to him.

This is his colony, they are like his sons. They are all his sons. All is his responsibility, all is his failure. He has failed. He continues to fail.

The knock on the door is so strong it makes him jump. Skye. It must be about Skye. The commander gets up with a sigh. The side and the old wound that Lucas has inflicted to him still hurts him sometimes.

But he will not give up. Not this evening and not even tomorrow.


Lucas is not sleeping. From his cell, he can hear the usual, customary noises. The guards who converse among themselves. The keys that turn. The recruit who washes the pavement with too much soap, judging by the screams. Carter, who whistles, always the same ditty, always out of tune.

He feels good, because he is locked up in the cell immediately after Carter. He always manages to see Lieutenant Washington when she goes to see him, he sees the movement through the peephole. Each time she passes in front of his cell, she realizes that he is spying on her. And for that, every time, she raises her pretty little hand and she shows him the middle finger, to make it clear that she hasn't forgotten the gun that he aimed at her head. She will not forget, ever.

They have not forgotten, not even the soldiers who are his captors. At least a couple of times a week they piss into the bowl in which they bring him food, to make it clear that even they haven't forgotten about the night that he shot Alicia. Or when he stabbed their commander. Or when he took him hostage, mocking the watchman on duty.

Lucas definitely knows how to make friends.

However, whenever Alicia Washington goes to visit the prisoner of cell 14, Carter, she leaves behind a trail of scent. And when she goes away, she smiles. Always.

Lucas is happy for them. He hopes that jealousy is splitting that withered heart that his father has to shreds.

And by the way, judging from the noise the soldiers are making, the heels slamming, the excitement, the greetings, the grand commander has decided to make a yet another evening visit at his favorite son’s cell. Usually he never comes so late. It must really be a special evening.

character: carter, character: alicia washington, character: others, character: nathaniel taylor, pairing: f/m, character: skye tate, character: lucas taylor

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