The Things that remain Chapter 3

May 08, 2015 15:22

Title: Things that remain (Secret)
Character/Pairing: Lucas/Skye
Genre: Romance, Angst
Rating: PG-17
Summary: After finale Terra Nova, a Lucket Fanfiction for The Lucket Valentine Challenge.
Author’s Note: Translated from Italian Language, edited and corrected by Jemmalynette, a wonderful woman. And now, for the chapter "Sick" joins the gang also Littlestefania, who has edited and translated.

Secret (many years after the Occupation)

"Dad, I need to talk," admits the boy - eighteen years old, strong and stormyeyed.

The older man stood up and went to sit next to his son. He had not aged well, but in that way that only the men used to being beautiful can afford. White threads in the hair from neglect, wrinkles around the green eyes, with deep bags, from too much work and little sleep.

"Tell me," replied a smiling Lucas.

"I don't want to study physics and mathematics. I'm no good, I'm not as smart as you. I can't work with these machines. I know I'm a disappointment to you," the boy admitted, clearly upset. The man watched his son, stunned, then started laughing. The teenager's eyes widened, his eyes full of astonishment and anger. "Why are you laughing?!" exclaimed the boy. "I'm trusting you, I'm trying to explain."

"I've spent my whole life trying to please my old man and this has never happened. I was too weak, not disciplined enough. Unsuited to military life. I was a constant disappointment to him. But you, never, not even once have you been a disappointment to me." He continues with a firm voice: "Not you, even if you do not choose a life like mine, even if you decide not to work with me in the lab. "

"Well, about that..." began his son, "I like military life. Colonel Guzman said that I could be a good officer. He says that I could be a good military surgeon. I can't understand anything about physics, but the human body is the real mystery...fascinating, and then mom would be happy ... "

"Your grandfather will be proud," interrupted his father, saying the word 'grandfather' with thin contempt. "But now, listen to me. You will never be a disappointment to me. Never. You were my salvation. Everything I've done, everything good that I have done in my life, I've done for you. And for your mother. "

"Dad..." replied the son, hesitant. "I know. You're always there for me. But sometimes, it seems to me that the soldiers talk behind my back. Sometimes, when I arrive, everyone suddenly stops talking. Then there's so many rumors about you and Grandpa, especially since he left and spends his time fishing. I know that there is a secret that you don't want to tell me. Mom always mutters when I ask why you and Grandpa have a rilvalry. I really like Grandpa; my grandfather was the best you could wish for..."

"You," interrupted his father again, as if he had not heard, and was following a speech that was only in his head. "You were the first person in my life that was mine, I could love you no matter what, I will love you unconditionally. That would never change. And this is the only thing that you must remember. The only thing you need to know ".

character: nathaniel taylor, pairing::skye/lucas, pairing: f/m, character: skye tate, character: lucas taylor

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