TN Wash’s Men
Chapter 7: Ready
Characters: Taylor, Wash, Miles (from Avatar)
Pairings: Taylor/Wash/Miles
Crossover: Terra Nova and Avatar
Genre: Angst/Crossover/Humor/Ship
Rating: Nc-17
Warnings: Language/Sexual Situation
Spoiler Alert: Season 1
Summary: Miles and Wash have resolved most of their issues. Taylor feels the consequences for not allowing Wash into his personal life. Wash needs to decide if she is going to move past the pain or judge Taylor with it.
A/N: This is the last chapter of this story. I believe they should all be happy in the end, and that is where we are. When the fic gets to the point of Taylor showing up, play “It’s Not Over” by Daughtery if you want. It’s the song I played while writing this and wrote it into the chapter. I have changed the ending because I feel this version is more fitting with what I see inside my mind.
Click for last chapter of the fic!~~