TN Bugs to Brownies
Chapter: One-shot
Pairing: Wash/Taylor
Characters: Wash, Taylor, Elisabeth, Ogawa, Skye, Jim and Zoe
Genre: Gen/Humor/Ship
Rating: Pg-13
Spoiler Alert: All of Season 1
Warning: None (wow did I just type that word)
Summary: Wash gets a surprise in the Command Center when Zoe decides to drop by to tell her a girl only secret. Taylor can't let it go till he knows what is happening.
AN: The plot dino prompt (Wash/Taylor-cookies) came from mrs_bree_v_d_k on LJ. Thank you! It bit my arm and would not let go. In typing back and forth, the plot dino started to get larger. Now, I must do as the plot dino says. Cookies anyone?
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