The Stars Are Sending You A Sign

Apr 18, 2012 16:49

Title: The Stars Are Sending You A Sign
Characters: Ayani, Wash, Taylor, Lucas
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 12184
Genre: drama
Spoilers: season 1
Summary: A broken woman without a home tries to find a place she can be free finally.
Author's Note:  (stolen from sky_kiss): 'from the original draft of Terra Nova in which Nathaniel was a psycho with a god complex named Frank and the whole thing was fairly dystopian.' This is sort of a companion to sky_kiss's story, though is not directly related. I don't know. Just read it.

The Stars Are Sending You A Sign

All the interstitial text is taken from the Electric Six album 'Zodiac' and used without permission.
Tags:  fic

author: zapf_chancery, authors: t-z, character: alicia washington, character: nathaniel taylor, rating: pg-13, word count: 10000-19999, character: others, character: lucas taylor

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